Kiwanis Centenarian Grove, Kiwanis Park
As part of the centennial celebrations for the City of Regina, the Kiwanis Club of Regina decided to honour those Regina residents who reached the age of 100 in 2003 by planting a new grove of trees in Kiwanis Park. Under the leadership of past president John Kurtz, a series of meetings were held during the spring and summer with the Parks and Recreation Board and staff of Regina, to determine the feasibility of this project. Approval was given and the site chosen. The Mayor of Regina and the Alderman for the area around Kiwanis Park, the majority of the members of the Kiwanis Club of Regina, guests and the press attended the formal planting of the first tree on October 1, 2003, a fifteen-foot tall green ash. A total of 25 more trees were planted in the spring of 2004 to recognize the 26 citizens of Regina aged 100 or more in 2003. |